
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Paper towels all over the place

With a baby in the house who's just starting to eat food with a spoon, we go through insane amounts of paper towels each day. Add 5 snotty noses to the household and the equation sums up to finishing a roll in about 2 days.

Roll, almost finished.

Well, that doesn't feel so good. What to do, what to do. The immediate thing springing to mind is of course to use some sort of cloth. When searching the market and reading blogs I learned about "unpaper towels" as they are called in US. Clever name, by the way. When browsing through Etsy I learned that birdseye cotton seems to the best fabric to use, and although I don't mind buying from nice independent Etsy people - i do HATE the wait (and sometimes very long wait when customs wanna interfere with the process).

Besides. How hard can it be to make them myself? Well. Another hour past on google and birdseye cotton is nowhere to be found in all of Europe. At least not without costing an absolute fortune. Then my hubby got the idea to have a look in our cupboard. And found PILES of cute old kitchen towels from way back that we never use since there are too many of them! Score!!

I love this. The towels are from both our grandmothers Maja and Eivor that are no longer with us, with their maiden name initials sewn on by their hands. Bless them!

I started out with 4 towels, cut them up and ran them through the serger and voila, my own "unpaper towels". In one hour I easily made 25 pieces, including cutting and ironing (!).

Aren't they just super cute?!?!?!

Now, how to store these beauties? They need to be readily available and take little room on the table or it won't work.... I had to try a couple of ideas, but not so sure about any of them. Wanna help?
How about rolling them up?
At least there won't be much confusion on what to use.

Or rolling them up individually?
Pretty, but too much work in reality.

Well, that was my evening project. Thank's grandma - I miss you!

Good night!

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